Yellowwood Nursery, Dindigul Sapota Chikoo Fruit Sapling Plants Supplier in Tamilnadu, India

Sapota Saplings

Yellow Wood Nursery in Didugul is where to go if you want to find your favorite unique and common fruit trees. India! Sapota is grown in many Indian states, including Karnataka, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, and Andhra Pradesh. In India, sapota variants are known by funny names such as Kali Patli, Baramati, Pili Patli, Dwarapudi, Chhatri, chikoo, sapodilla, chico, naseberry, nispero, etc. Chikoo fruit trees that you won't find anywhere else are available from us. Every year, we add new species to our existing collection to keep your selections unlimited.

Our sapota fruit trees not only offer beauty to your yard but also provide delicious nutritional options. Fruit can be eaten raw, blended into smoothies, or squeezed into a glass of fresh juice. Check out our fruit seeds and start harvesting your fruits from your garden every morning!

Key Benefits of Growing Sapota Plant Sapling in India

  •   Rich in Vitamin A and C
    sSapota boosts your immunity, keeps your skin healthy, fights free radicals, and avoids heart problems, among other things.
  •   Energy Provider
    Sapota's natural fructose and sucrose content can provide a lot of energy to your body.
  •   Anti-Inflammatory
    chikoo has a lot of tannins, which act as a natural anti-inflammatory. To observe effects, eat regularly.
  •   Helps in Digestion
    Additionally, the nutritional fibers in the sapodilla act as a laxative, assisting in the relief of constipation.
  •   Beauty Benefits
    Actuality, the sapota is considered a 'happy' food because it helps in collagen production and reduces deep wrinkles.
  •   Control's Weight
    Sapota could help you get rid of water retention. It helps to keep your metabolism in balance.
  •   Good for Moms-to-Be
    Sapodilla is helpful to pregnant and lactating moms. Sapota can aid with morning sickness and dizziness.
  •   Control Blood Pressure
    Potassium in Chico helps to keep blood pressure and circulation in balance. It can use to treat anemia due to the presence of iron.
  •   Good For Bones
    Sapodilla contains minerals such as iron, foliates, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, copper, phosphorus, and selenium, all of which are necessary for various body functions, including normal bone formation.
  •   Source of Antioxidant
    The sapota is high in dietary fiber, vitamins A and B, and vitamin C, as well as antioxidants. It also prevents oral cavity cancer.

Popular Questions of Sapota Saplings

  •   Chiku plants should be grown in pots with 7-10 inches and a drainage hole.

  •   Fill the 1/3 pot halfway with well-drained, rich soil and set the plant inside.

  •   Fill the remaining pot with the same dirt as the first one.

  •   After 2-3 days under indirect bright light, move the plant to a site that receives more than 6 hours of direct sunshine. Plants should be exposed to more than 6 hours of direct sunshine daily. When the surface soil (1-2 inches) seems dry to the touch, water the plant during the primary growing season, apply any organic fertilizer.

  •   Direct bright sunshine for more than 6 hours required.

  •   Soil-Well-drained, fertile, and nutrient-rich soil is essential.

  •   Water the plant when the top 1-2 inches of soil on the surface feels dry to the touch.

  •   Fertilizer - During the primary growing season, use any organic fertilizer. Kindly contact us for more information.

  •   Use a pot with an upper diameter of 7-10 inches and drainage holes.

  •   Fill the pot halfway with a well-drained soil mix. Dig a 1/2-inch hole in the earth, drop seeds in, and fill with soil and water to sow seeds.

  •   Keep the soil moist by watering it if the dirt in the pot (1-2 inches) seems dry to the touch.

  •   Place the pot in an area that receives intense indirect light. Within 2-4 weeks, seeds will germinate. Note: Contact us for sapota fruit saplings on sandalwoodnurserygarden for more information.

Yellowwood Nursery, Dindigul Sapota Plantation, Farming and Culitivation in Dindigul, India

Sapota Saplings

Chiku is a tropical fruit tree that is evergreen and can survive for up to 100 years.

To accommodate more plants, the spacing between the plants is reduced to 5 × 5 m in high density planting.

Water the newly planted sapodilla every other day for the first week, then twice a month after that for the next 6-8 months. After the tree has grown itself and reached the age of 4-5 years, it will not require frequent watering.

Temperatures rangeneeds for sapodilla spalings from 10 to 38 degrees Celsius.

Some of the sapota varities are pala, cricket ball, Guthi, Co 1, Co 2, PKM-1, Baramasi, Calcutta round, Baharu, and Gandhevi Barada.

Gujarat, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Bihar, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Uttar Pradesh are among the states where Chikoo or Sapota.fruit is commonly grown. We supply sapota saplings throughout India. For wholesale or retail supplies, feel free to contact us. We welcome your orders.